Connection with kindred spirits
Affirmation #1
I open my life to the wonderful people around me. I am making strong and beneficial connections in my both personal and professional life.
Affirmation #2
I touch others with a soft, kindhearted smile.
Affirmation #3
Affection is mutually created and mutually sustained.
Affirmation #4
I am positively connected and harmnious with the family of life.
Affirmation #5
I am deeply connected to my life. I am deeply engaged in each moment as it comes to me. I am present and aware.
Affirmation #6
I affirm my own blessed connection with all blessed beings.
Affirmation #7
I Deepen my connection with spirits and discover the unique ways it speaks to me.
Affirmation #8
I am an open and clear channel to receive guidance and clarity from my guides and the universe.
Affirmation #9
I open myself to seeing new possibilities that align with my spirit.
Affirmation #10
I am connected with all beings and feel the wisdom of all of life embedded within my body, mind and spirit.