Which choice to make
Affirmation #1
I release fear and move forward with courage and trust.I have the power to direct my own destiny – now and always.
Affirmation #2
What I am today is the result of all that I have done. What I become is my choice, for only I am the creator of my destiny.
Affirmation #3
I am always aware of the choices I make and accept the consequences for each decision.
Affirmation #4
I am so grateful to live in a time when I have so many choices in life.
Affirmation #5
I am becoming better at recognizing POSITIVE or NEGATIVE Thoughts, confidently choosing what to accept or dismiss.
Affirmation #6
I am completely free to choose the direction of all my thoughts.
Affirmation #7
I consistently make wise and discerning personal choices.
Affirmation #8
I choose to be cheerful regardless of any other circumstances that arise.
Affirmation #9
I choose to accept only those beliefs which empower my life.
Affirmation #10
I always have the choice to re-create my reality.