Affirmations on Cancer Journey

Affirmations on Cancer Journey

Affirmations on Cancer Journey
  1. I am re-organizing cells everyday and sending misguided cells into the light.
  2. My Body is my temple; in it, dwells the divine.
  3. Cancer can be something I go through, it does not define me, it is but an experience in my life.
  4. Healing is a state of mind and heart and I am healed.
  5. Genes have the ability to turn on and off, with my permission, cancer is turned off.
  6. cancer cells are in everyone, my body is no different, it is re-learning to identify and remove them.
  7. Whatever is in my body is sacred, an i will love it today and everyday.
  8. Whom i share my cancer journey with is my choice, i will protect myself from negative people by choosing wisely.
  9. of the trillion of cells that make up my physical body, cancer is only a small percentage, and i will focus on what is right for me.
  10. I will heal with every inhalation, an let go of cancer with every exahalation.

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