What is Your Personality Trait

Your Personality Trait if You Saw:

  1. Swords – Clever, Innovative (Full of Ideas), Intellect
  2. Lovers – Passionate about Someone, Full of Love, Emotional, Spiritually Enlightened
  3. Fortune – Ambitious, Positive, Deep Connection to People, Independent
  4. Wands – Born Leader, Social Butterfly, Courageous
  5. Fool – Creative, Care-free (Ignorant), Adventurous
  6. Pentacles – Conservative, enthusiastic, straightforward 
  7. Moon – Mysterious, Deep, Changing
  8. Hermit – Wise, Good Communicator, Healer

What is Coming for You in next Few Days if you Saw:

  1. Swords –
    1. Positive – Something New is going to Start
    2. Negative – Betrayal (Cheating), Loneliness
  2. Lovers –
    1. Positive – Soulmates coming Together, Union
    2. Negative – Conflicts in family
  3. Fortune –
    1. Positive – Lottery, Win in Relationship, Happiness
    2. Negative – Things going around in Circle
  4. Wands –
    1. Positive – New Business / Job / Promotion, Clear of Exams
    2. Negative – unhappiness, feeling of not getting justice
  5. Fool –
    1. Positive – Enthusiasm, Fun Time, Travel
    2. Negative – Addiction, Mental Illness
  6. Pentacles –
    1. Positive – Amazing Love Life, Happiness in Relationship
    2. Negative – Financial Loss, Sickness
  7. Moon –
    1. Positive – End of Karmic Cycle, Increase in Intuition
    2. Negative – Deception, Bad Friends, Infidelity
  8. Hermit –
    1. Positive – Independence, Wisdom
    2. Negative – Betrayal, Loneliness